Thursday, July 23, 2009


Mitch Anderson. This is a name I have grown accustomed to over the past week and a half. Since nobody here knows who "Mitch Anderson" is, let me clarify.

Elder Anderson. An Elder in the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Sufficed to say, I do not agree with the large majority of what Mormons believe or have to say about a relationship with Jesus Christ. Every ounce within me could never come together to believe that I can vicariously on behalf of my ancestors earn their salvation for them. Or that Baptism is 100% necessary for salvation. Or that there is no Hell. For those who might not read this blog consistently, let me tell you, there is a God who wants to be with you every day for nothing else than the sacrificial heart that accepts the gift of his Eternal Life (See Isaiah 55:1-2, John 3:16, Romans 3, 6, 10)

Nevertheless, Mormons do something that the (ironically enough named) Evangelical church is not doing anywhere close in comparison to. Evangelizing. More over, most if not all God-commanded discipline. I found out earlier today that Mormon services do not include one facet that I would say the large majority if not all Protestant Churches include.

"Worship through giving" (Read: Tithe, Offering, "Donation" as some would call it)

They just know to give. To their church, mail it in, bring it to the administration, what have you. The ironic part, since 1820 have you ever heard of LDS enduring financial hardships? Have you ever heard of Bringham Young University going through monetary troubles like Liberty University, or other Christian Colleges?

I know a church that in an attempt to focus more time in corporate praise, nixed the popular "place the plate" idea and set up two towers at the entrance of the room. The result? Little to nobody gave. Where is our discipline? Where is our joy in giving? James says "For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like"

Without that dedication and worshipful giving, how can Godly men and women of this world truly care for the people who need it? The "pure and genuine religion" as James says... caring for those in distress. I hope we can all find the discipline within us to give our time, our strength and yes, our money to those who truly need it.

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