Thursday, January 29, 2009


I don't think the word "snow" accurately describes how awesome it is. You have this glorious invention of God that comes down at a leisurely pace and changes everything. Regardless of how dense it might be it always seems like it's strolling along, like each flake is walking hand and hand with their romantic counter-part on some cosmic journey to the ground below. The only time we really think of snow as being violent is when we're driving. But then we get out of the car, look around, and realize it's not so bad after all. We've been worrying about this devastating thing that's nothing more than water that's a little colder than it's used to.

The best thing about snow, though, is it's ability to change, as I said. Colors don't exist in snow because everything changes to white. I drove today from Lynchburg, Virginia to Johnstown, Ohio. The trip started off with no snow, no ice, but bright sunshine and fairly warm air. The further and further I ascended the cooler it became and the thinner the air felt. There's some sort of refreshment that comes from thin, cool air when it hits your lungs and your body has the shock that feels like walls being erected against some invaded force. Then when you finally expel that air you see the invaded forces being repelled by this weaponry of foggy breath, spreading out in all directions. I love when it's so cold you can see your breath. It's almost like a unique signal to only God knows what. Other people? The trees? God himself? Whatever our smoke-signal-like breath is it's unique, if nothing else.

The further I departed north the more colors began to fade. The browns of trees, the lighter branches, the emerald grass and the black road began to become grey-toned. Eventually everything just became white. With darkness settling in the ability to see colors at all lessened especially with the white particles hugging closely to every fiber of creation. For just a short amount of time, everything is the same. The World becomes almost like a communism of creation where all is pure, all is true and everything is equally lovely to look at. I long to live in this world where seldom do we see color, but always the white pure look of this colored glass that dances down to the ground where it makes its home for a short time. Only long enough for our eyes to take in its beauty and then before we know it, the greens have returned along with the tall browns and tans, soon to be sprouting green offspring of their own. Upon which will soon perch blues, reds, and even orange spheres with their darkly colored wings, singing for us their anthem of color.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Responsibility? What's that?

One of the wisest men I know once said "All our lives are won and lost between our ears. Our greatest battles, struggles, temptations and how we choose to live is all contingent on what's in our mind." What happens when your mind is in turmoil? When you're tired and aching making what normally is your source for intelligence, wise decision making skills is rather effected. It's these times where I thank God for His Spirit. That he can take control over my incessant ramblings and express the unexpessable. He can describe the indescribable. He shouts my thoughts and praises when I'm struck speechless. He comforts me when I am uncomfortable. Most of all he saves me when I am wrapped up in myself. When I look at God and believe that this ruler is anything shy of the amazing Lord of my life. The loving Master whom I serve.

Clayton King is an evangelist who travels all over the world preaching the gospel unabashed and without apology. His teaching of the word last week during Liberty's Spiritual Emphasis Week brought with it a question of allegiance: "Who is Lord?" In your financial life, who is Lord? Does Jesus deserve the allegiance of your wallet? More importantly than the question of whether or not he deserves such allegiance, does he possess that allegiance? Jesus' deserving of our total and allegiance sadly does not always warrant the answer of whether or not he has it. James says those with divided interest and half-hearted allegiance is like a wave tossed about. When I first think of this analogy I give the wave too much credit, believing that such a thing would be powerful and useful for something at least. The realization comes to me that power without direction is nothing but destructive.

The only thing a brutal wave is good for is erosion. The land masses that we have that guide is when we are adrift in sea slowly get whittled away as we let the waves of our misguided interests slam against the shores like thousands of slow chisels sculpting away at our lives. The great memorial for the things God has done and the lands he has built get eroded the more we let these waves go unsettled. James also goes further to say that our tongues are a part of our lives that need desperately to be tamed. In our lives where we are aimlessly adrift in the restlessly crashing waves our boat is controlled by a rudder that is our tongues. When our tongues are amidst the words of the world and the language of those who do not declare Jesus to be their Lord, our tongues abandon our set course and drive for us. Much like the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked our tongues will similarly leave us destroyed, abandoned and without a vessel to carry us further.

Once again, though the question arises: "Who is Lord?" The funny thing is, our greatest enemy is our free will. That we have the choice to say yes or no. Because all of creation knows. And James says that the Demons know, too. Luke tells us that not only does creation know Jesus is their Lord but they clearly obey him. In Luke's Good News he brings us to the disciples conversation in chapter eight when they ask, "Who is this man, that commands the wind and water? And they obey!" And there's only one answer to the very similar question, "Who is Lord?". Who IS this man who is the commander of life, the blesser of finances, the keeper of security, the creator of creation and the Word who is on our tongues? Jesus is Lord.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A smile from a friend

I think I really do walk through life not considering how awesome God is. Everyday God gives us opportunity to love him a little bit more and I would usually consider this a complete joy. The only problem is, how many times do I completely miss it? It almost makes me want to cry at the thought of there are so many times when I completely ignore something special God has sent just for me and I don't even notice. It's like a wife sending her husband a card and him not even reading it.

There are days that are rough. Today was one of those days. There are some days you just need to drive. I'm one of those people that just goes when he's having a bad day. If I'm angry, I'll drive aimlessly until I've taken enough turns that I don't know where I am. Then by the time it takes me to figure out how to get back home, I will have removed all angry feelings from my system and thought logically. If I'm feeling bad I'll just drive in circles until physically I'm tired of doing the same thing and I can break down my exterior walls and be vulnerable. Thankfully, God has been granting me comfort long before that point that I can finally get up and walk again. As The Normals say in their song "We are Beggars at the Foot of God's Door", "We have asked to see Your face and noticed nothing, but a well timed honest smile from a friend. Oh we of little faith, Oh You of stubborn grace"

Thank you friend, whom cheered my spirits today. Thank you and may you keep following God and cheering others. Praise Yahweh, He who is the lifter of our spirits eternally.

Friday, January 2, 2009

As Cities Burn

Normally I would think it corny to post song lyrics... but I think these are things we all need to hear. These are all from As Cities Burn's latest release, "Come Now Sleep" They're all taken from various songs. The cries for the Grace of God are unmistakable and endearing. May we all cry for God's continual Grace this much. Maybe we would love him more; maybe we would love each other more.

Cause I was a pharisee,
I never saw my need for grace;
Then your love came to me
stood next to mine, and I saw that I was poor.

They say that good boys walk straight on white lines.
Good boys keep their livers clean,
And smoke out of their lungs.
'Cause it's all about what you've done,
Good boys don't make mistakes to learn from.

Grace make your way to the well,
To those who deserve it.
After all they've earned it.
But vain, it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it.

we've got prices on our heads
and millstones around our necks
we try to live forgiven but they won't let us forget

forget about being honest
forget about being passionate
wear that smile like you feel it
even when you don't
forget about being honest
forget about being passionate
i think they forgot about Jesus
seeking us out

Is your love really Love?
Is my love really Love?
I think our love isn't Love,
Unless it's Love to the end.

Is your god really God?
Is my god really God?
I think our god isn't God,
If he fits inside our heads.

If I make it to heaven
I may be as bloody as hell.
Would you still take me?
I'm afraid that you might say,
"Depart from me, I never knew you."

I'm sure if you wanted to stop love,
You could just untie your end and let it go.
But, my God, you don't.
Yeah, I think I love you for it.

[a song about his friend Timothy dying]
Tell me I'm only dreaming.
Tell me he's just sleeping.
And when morning comes,
We'll both wake up to see the sun,
And love that's enough to keep our friends alive.

Sweet hearts of love and evangelism. The sweet and sometimes screaming melodies showing that any sound without love would not be as sweet. Cause I was a pharisee too... and I have realized that I am poor. The closer I get to the riches of God the poorer I see that I am. I hope that I am more poor tomorrow than I am today. That God may give abundantly, and that in my life I may live with riches that are not of this world and will never perish. That I will know my life and its blessings will outlast any words I have said or deeds I have done. And I forever hope that he gives me life and that I live in abundantly and in a manner worthy of the good news of Jesus Christ dying because he loves me.

John 10:10
Phil 1:27
1 Thes 2:12-13