Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A smile from a friend

I think I really do walk through life not considering how awesome God is. Everyday God gives us opportunity to love him a little bit more and I would usually consider this a complete joy. The only problem is, how many times do I completely miss it? It almost makes me want to cry at the thought of there are so many times when I completely ignore something special God has sent just for me and I don't even notice. It's like a wife sending her husband a card and him not even reading it.

There are days that are rough. Today was one of those days. There are some days you just need to drive. I'm one of those people that just goes when he's having a bad day. If I'm angry, I'll drive aimlessly until I've taken enough turns that I don't know where I am. Then by the time it takes me to figure out how to get back home, I will have removed all angry feelings from my system and thought logically. If I'm feeling bad I'll just drive in circles until physically I'm tired of doing the same thing and I can break down my exterior walls and be vulnerable. Thankfully, God has been granting me comfort long before that point that I can finally get up and walk again. As The Normals say in their song "We are Beggars at the Foot of God's Door", "We have asked to see Your face and noticed nothing, but a well timed honest smile from a friend. Oh we of little faith, Oh You of stubborn grace"

Thank you friend, whom cheered my spirits today. Thank you and may you keep following God and cheering others. Praise Yahweh, He who is the lifter of our spirits eternally.

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