Friday, May 22, 2009


For most of us, the economy we find ourselves in seems to be failing.  Whether or not you're American, things haven't been going quite right on a global scale for a little while now.  Now between you and me, I've been offered 3 jobs in the past 3 months, one of which I never even applied for, so I don't personally see what the hoopla about this giant "depression" some people are calling it.  More importantly, I've been realizing lately the importance of money.  More specifically, valuables.  Which brings me to my point.

I've come across quite possibly the most challenging verse I've encountered in my short time following this Jesus guy.  Out of the few parts of the Bible we tend to skip over, that gruelingly long chapter of the Bible, Psalm 119 I would venture to say is one of them.  Not only in its length but in its content.  Being that I've been reading through the Psalms for quite a while now I'm not sure whoever wrote these words (if it really was Ezra like some people think, I'm coming for you buddy when I get to heaven).

2 - - Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.
14 - - I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches.
24 - - Your laws please me; they give me wise advice.
40 - - I long to obey your commandments!  Renew my life with your goodness.
47 - - How I delight in your commands!  How I love them!
72 - - Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.

I have a problem with these verses.  The problem is that I can't do them.  I'm not joyful when I begrudgingly obey the speed limit, the fact that I know I could be making more money elsewhere, or being in love with any laws or commandments.  I'm a man; I'm in love with money, cars, and pretty girls.  Not that I truly know what love is concerning any of those matters.

Everytime I look at a dollar bill at this point I see that "In God we trust" and it reminds me.  When it comes down to it, all our fears, worries, sins, and failures all stem from the fact that we don't trust God enough.  We don't trust that when we give financially to God that he won't multiply it and bless us.  We don't trust that when we quit our job to go be foot soldiers of the gospel he will provide.  We don't trust that when we go on that date that he will either bring two special people together or protect our heart from those who don't need it.

The next time you reach for your wallet, your purse: In God we trust.  His words, his instructions are more valuable that millions in Gold or Silver.

Shalom, selah.  Andrew.

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