Friday, August 29, 2008

Rain is fallin on my window pane..

Actually, it's not anymore. But seeing as it rained here in Lynchburg for well over a day and a half, I assumed it was fitting.

Life is interesting. The paths you think you're going to take are often never the ones we end up taking. Idealism doesn't seem to be in God's dictionary.

I have found a whole new love for poker. Online and in real life. I think honestly online poker is easier because you don't have the crutch of judging people's body language and you can be completely objective. It's a nice luxury to have, so you don't get in the habit of banking on certain people messing with their cards (or people like me who like to lay both their cards face down and never look at them more than once when they're hardcore bluffing and keep checking them when they have a great hand). There's some kind of magic about strategy, percentages, and most of all luck in one giant gambling sandwich. Especially when you beat 4 of your best friends in a $2 buy in round and win some money. That's pretty much the pickle on this giant gambling sandwich.

Also... I think I have become quite aware that the chances of me ever finding a cute girl anywhere near my age that likes me and is exactly what I want (not that I really even know what that is anymore). It's kind of hard after you're done with high school and then done with residential college work (whether by graduating or not taking traditional classes anymore) to socialize with large groups of people you've never met. I suppose church does the trick, but I find that I end up (yes, even going to a church with 10,000+ in attendance every Sunday) seeing the same people over and over. It's quite a shame. I think moreover, the problem is not that there are no facets in which to mingle, but that people are not very outgoing. People often find those one or two friends they really like, usually end up marrying one of them and never mingle with people outside their comfort zone. WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS NOW OK?

That's why people are so flat. When you meet a truly static person, what stands out about them? It has to be that they only listen to one type of music, always eat red or white meat. They're never adventurous and normally pretty reserved and introverted, right? I can almost hear you saying "Sweet dancing jehosephat no." So why don't we try to be more stretched people? Try and be a little round instead of flat (no that's not a fat joke). Try listening to things you would never have listened to normally. Go dancing if you have two left feet, go camping if you hate the outdoors, go to the museum if you hate the city, go to a football game and scream your head off if you like quiet environments.

Take your social compass and find that true north. Then put the compass down, turn around, and start walking.


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